About this site

My interest in Cliftonville badges started virtually from the first match I attended at Solitude in 1978. In those days, Cliftonville enamel badges were as rare as hens teeth and apart from the odd badge produced by supporters clubs, the only badges available were a set of tin badges sold by the Picture Gallery in Queen Street in the city centre.
Gradually, as the Cliftonville bandwagon gathered momentum, a few of the local sports shops decided to cash in on the emerging Red Army and produced badges made by major badge manufacturers Coffer and P&G. During the 1980s and 1990s the club produced a few more badges as did the Clifton Reds supporters club but overall by 2005 my enamel badge collection stood at a paltry 19 badges. This was particularly annoying as I had more than double that number of both Linfield and Glentoran badges in my collections.
My own involvement in designing badges began in 2004 with a competition to design a badge for Cliftonville's 125th anniversary. I entered the competition and was delighted when my design won and was the official souvenir badge issued by the club to mark this milestone in our history
Spurred on by this success, I approached the club with a design to mark the demise of our beloved Cage in 2007. With the club's permission, I produced a badge based on Frankie Quinn's iconic photograph taken from the back of the Cage during our match with Celtic in 1984. This badge sold out and it quickly became apparent that there was a ready market among our support for further badges. Since then I've worked with Bronagh from the club shop to produce further designs and I am regularly involved in designing the official club badges.
In recent years there has been a real explosion in the number of Cliftonville badges produced. Along with the official club badges, badges have been produced by several of our supporters clubs and by a number of individual 'entrepreneurs'. Unfortunately, along with some nice designs there have been some awful badges produced and some 'mistakes'. For the purposes of recording as many Cliftonville badges as possible on this site, I have included the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY!
I hope you find this site both interesting and informative. I am aware that there are a number of badges and patches that I haven't listed on this site. The listings on this site are only the badges and patches that I have in my own personal collection. My intention is to continually update the site with any new badges or patches as I add them to my collection. I am also aware that the details for some of the listings are wrong (my memory isn't what it used to be) and I would appreciate people letting me know so that I can correct any errors.
Please feel free to contact me if you notice any mistakes I have made or if you have further information on any of the badges on this site.